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      HFC-227ea Gas Fire Extinguishing S…

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      HFC-227ea Gas Fire Extinguishing System


      Product Overview

      Product introduction:

      HFC-227ea (molecular formula:CF3CHFCF3)is a colorless、tasteless andnon-conducting gas. With the characteristics of clean、low toxicity but high efficiency, up to now, it is asuccessfully researched & developed fire exting…

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      • Introduction
      • Download

      Product introduction:

      HFC-227ea (molecular formula:CF3CHFCF3) isa colorless、tasteless andnon-conducting gas. With the characteristics of clean、low toxicitybut high efficiency, up to now, it is asuccessfully researched & developedfire extinguishing agent and also one of the best products to take the placeofAlkyl halides 1301、1211.

      Our HFC-227ea fireextinguishing system,both have trippingtype selector valve and electric control selector valve,whileelectric control selector valve and MasterSlave Actuating CombinedDistributionSystem have obtained the patent of invention. By using a master Slave ActuatingCombined Distribution System&#40; multiple protection zone &#41; andbased on the type of combustible material, our HFC-227ea concentrationcancanreach the national design specifications in a specified time, thusimplement thefire.


      1.Fire extinguishing way:

      Total flooding extinguishing

      2.Extinguishing concentration:

      ①Fire on solid surface concentration5.8%

      ②library、Archives and heritage protection zone, concentration10%

      ③Oil-immersed transformer room , distributionroom with oil switch,concentration 9%

      ④Power transformer room and distribution room, generatorroom,concentration 8%


      ①Power transformer room and distribution room, generator room,≤ 8s

      ②Other protection zone, ≤ 10s

      4.charg pressure and density:

      ①II Booster welded structures Storage container, Storage pressure4.2Mpa, Maximumcharg density 950Kg/m3

      ②III Storagecontainer, Storage pressure 5.6Mpa, Maximum charg density1080Kg/m3


      HFC-227ea is less toxicthan Halon 1301, atthe common concentration of 8% it can be used in mostapplications.Thisconcentration is lower than 10.5%, "lowest observedadverse effect level" (LOAEL) to human hearts. While the"LOAEL" of Halon 1301 is7.5% .

      6.Ambient temperature:


      Technical characteristics:

      1.The productfunctions in Schematic Diagramof Driving Gas Cylinders Actuating UnitIndependent System、SchematicDiagram of Master Slave Actuating UnitIndependent System、SchematicDiagram of Driving Gas Cylinders Actuating CombinedDistribution System、Master SlaveActuating Combined DistributionSystem

      2.Master SlaveActuating uses activecylinders instead of actuation cylinders,thus reduce the intermediate links.The features of micro-motordriving device are: big driving force, smallstarting current, small size, and simplebut beautiful overall structure.

      3.The distributiondivice structures ofcombineddistribution system is tripping type selector valve and electriccontrolselector valve. When afire breaks out, it can actute the cylinders of thecorresponding protection zone timely.

      Places for Application:

      1.Electrical fire;

      2.Liquid fire; 

      3.Fire on solid surface;

      4.Gas fire in which gas source can be cutoffbefore extinguishmen.

      TheProduct is not applicable to thefollowing situations:

      1.Fire of chemical productscontainingperoxides such as nitrocellulose and sodium nitrate, or oxidant;

      2.Fire of active metals likepotassium,sodium, magnesium, titanium, zirconium and uranium;

      3.Fire of metalhydride like potassiumhydride and sodium hydride;

      4.Fire of chemical substances thatdecomposeautomatically such as hydrogenperoxide and hydrazine.


      GA61-2002  General technical conditionsforthe driving and controlling device offixed fire extinguishing system

      GB5100-2011  Welded steel gascylinders

      GB25972-2010 Gas fire extinguishing system and components

      GB18614-2012 HFC227ea fire extinguishing agent

      GB50370-2005 Code for design of gas fire extinguishingsystem

      GB5628.1 Flared Straight Tube Joint

      GB5630.1 Flared Right-angle Tube Joint

      GB5639.1 Flared Tee Tube Joint

      GB9969.1 General Principle of Instructions for Industrial Products

      GB16806 Fire linkage control system

      GB50166 Code for Installation and Acceptance of Automatic Fire AlarmSystem

      GB50263 Code for Installation and Acceptance of Gas FireExtinguishing System

      GB50370 Code of Design for Gas Fire ExtinguishingSystem

      GBJ166  Code of Design for Automatic Fire AlarmSystem

      Specificationand Model:




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